We’re back with the second edition of our annual anthology of the future of flash fiction. We partnered with the acclaimed writer, Deesha Philyaw, to pick the best twenty stories of 1,000 words or fewer.
From Deesha Philyaw’s Introduction:
All of the stories here embody the best of what flash can do. With intimate, precise language and voices that are sometimes raw, sometimes tender, these compact stories illuminate deep truths about love and survival. Their themes are both timely and timeless. I don’t think it’s accurate to say that these stories offer hope. But I can say that in reading them, I felt less alone.
These short-short stories will take readers into new settings of the heart and the psyche, plumbing the depths of what makes us humans. Swirls of hope and despair, will leave readers entranced by these writer’s abilities to transport us in so few words. The art of brevity is alive and well in this book.